The museums and non-profit cultural institutions, open to the public and based in Athens have decided since February 2009 to build the Athens Museums and Cultural Institutions Network.
This initiative is based on three trajectories:
- the creation of a common ground for communication,
- the exchange of expertise and the co-operation between members in addressing specialised problems and
- organising join events and shared plans.
The Network’s aims are:
- to strengthen partcipants’ voices,
- to elaborate multifaceted schemes and,
- to approach and involve larger audience groups in cultural agendas.
It is an efficient ‘instrument’ serving educational and cultural ends by deploying contemporary strategies. 42 museums and cultural institutions are already participating in it.
This website features general information on each Network member, news, events and educational programmes offered to adults, families, children and school groups. For further information on the Network, please contact the administration office.
Since 2022 the Network is represented by the non-for profit entity "Friends of the Athens Museums and Cultural Institutions Network".
For more detailed information on participating museums and institutions, please contact the pages of the members.
Current common Activity of the Network
Symposium "Networking Culture"
Synergies in the field of culture
1st Cultural Networks Meeting
with the financial support and under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture
The Athens Network of Museums and Cultural Institutions is organizing a Symposium on Cultural Networks, with the participation of many cultural networks from Greece and abroad, with the aim of informing about the existing networks, the benefits of cultural networking, the issues related to cultural networks, as well as their extroversion possibilities through the synergies that can be developed with other relevant fields.
Among the topics that will be covered are:
- Presentation of the Networks and getting to know them
- Benefits and problems of cultural networks
- Networks and Outreach (Education, public events, synergies, etc.)
- Good Practices of synergies with related spaces
- Initiatives and results (positive or negative)
- Cultural Networks and Digital Communities - Applications of technology in networking and developing synergies
Funding possibilities for initiatives and programs
The Symposium will take place on Friday, January 31st, 2025 at the Amphitheater of the Karatza Building of the National Bank (Aiolou 82-84 and Sofokleous, 105 51 Athens).
Duration: one day (9:30-18:30). The Symposium is open to the public and participation is free with entry ticket.
Many cultural networks in Greece and interationaly, representatives of Ministries and the EU, relevant university departments, experts and responsible for relevant initiatives are invited to participate.
The program includes five-minute presentations of the cultural networks, presentations, updates and discussions related to the above themes of the Symposium.
In detail:
9:30-10:00 Conference registration
10:00-10:20 Greetings from the Network - Greetings from Officials
10:20-10:45 Keynote speaker: Yiannis Drinis (Head of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Intercultural Issues, Ministry of Culture)Section I: 5-minute presentations of the Cultural Networks
10:45-12:00 Part 1 of 5-minute presentations of the cultural networks
12:00-12:15 Questions, clarifications
12:15-12:30 Coffee break
12:30-13:45 Part 2 of 5-minute presentations of cultural networks
13:45-14:00 Questions, clarifications
(It is estimated that there will be in total about 25 network presentations)
14:00-14:30 Light food breakSection II: Round Tables
14:30-15:30 Round table discussion I (with audience discussion) "Benefits and chalenges of Cultural Networking".
15:30-16:30 Round table discussion II (with discussion with the audience) "Synergies and extroversion, of Cultural Networks"
16:30-16:45 Coffee breakSection II: Round Tables World-cafés, Closing
16:45-17:30 World-café (participants will be divided into 4 groups with different topics:
- Good Practices of Cultural Networking
- Sustainability and Funding
- Networks and the digital age
- Networks in the future (ideas, suggestions, perspectives)
17:30-18:00 Presentations of the World-café teams' Reports
18:00-18:30 Next steps: Proposals for the cooperation of Culture Networks, Next meeting. Closing Symposium
Cultural Networks interested in actively participating in the Symposium by presenting their Network and participating in the discussions, are invited to fill out the following form: .
Individuals should register until 29/1/2025 (or until places are full) here: