The Athens University History Museum is located in one of the oldest residential buildings still standing in Athens today. It dates before the 18th century and it is situated beneath the imposing heights of the Acropolis with a panoramic view of Plaka, the Ancient Agora, the Athens Observatory and the Lycabbetus Hill.
The historical building was the home of the architect Stamatios Kleanthis, and is also known as the ‘Old University’, since from 1837 and for four years, it functioned as the first University of the independent Greek state. The Athens University History Museum was inaugurated in 1987, in the context of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the University of Athens.
The principal aims of the Museum are the collection, preservation, study, conservation and presentation of the University’s heirlooms. The Museum’s collections consist of books (works by the University's Professors, old and rare editions), manuscripts, diplomas, scientific instruments (for medicine, physics, chemistry, pharmacology), portraits, photographs, medals, seals and University memorabilia.
If one considers the contribution that the University of Athens has made to the development of the scientific, academic, cultural and political life of Greece, particularly in the 19th century, it may be appreciated that in many respects this museum illustrates much more than just the history of the University; it also constitutes an important guide to modern Greek history in general. Additionally, the varied nature of the Museum’s collections makes the visit a magical adventure in the world of science, art and history.
Throughout the year, the Museum’s ground floor functions as a multi-purpose hall where lectures, conferences, seminars, film showings, temporary exhibitions etc, are held. From May until October, the Museum’s courtyards are suitable for holding theatrical and musical performances.
ΕDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES The Museum organizes daily educational programmes and guided tours for school children, students and groups in the Greek, the English and the French language, subject to prior arrangement.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 09.30 - 15.00
The Museum is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, except the first Sunday of each month when the Museum is open to the public from 11.00 until 16.00.
Admission to the Museum is for free. For admission infromation concerning participation in the educational programmes and guided tours please contact the Museum's staff.
5, Tholou str., Plaka, 105 56 Athens
T.: 210 368 9500-10
F.: 210 368 9501
e-mail: museum[at]uoa[dot]gr
website : http://www.historymuseum.uoa.gr
From the Tower of the Winds in Plaka, you should walk in the direction of the Acropolis up Markou Avriliou Street, then climb the steps of Aliberti Street where you will meet the main entrance to the Museum.
At the end of Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, follow the paved road across Dionysos restaurant that leads to Theorias Street. After approximately 500 meters and on your left hand side you will find Klepsydras Street where you will meet the side entrance to the Museum.