The exhibition, which begins and ends at the microcosm of a Wardrobe and the main subject matter of which revolves around the Costume Collection of Lyceum Club of Greek Women, looks into the reasons that led to its formation through the very items it consists of, as well as into the handling and management of these items.
Four short parallel stories, ‘construction’, ‘preservation’, ‘performance’, ‘journey’ –turning points in the ‘life’ of the collection – narrate and bring back to life the 100-year course from 1911 to the present moment.
Exhibit Curator and Designer: Tania Veliskou
Research - Texts: Nadia Macha-Bizoumi
Costume Dressers: Maria Papamichalopoulou (women’s costumes)
Vassilis Charissopoulos (men’s costumes)
Artistic Constructions
& Mounting: Zoi Kona
Photographic material:
Graphics Development
& Productions:
Translation: Maria Soufra
Organiser: The National Costumes Sector of the L.C.G.W.
Ephor: Marilena Koukoulithra-Charissopoulou
Sponsor: Ministry of Culture & Tourism