The island of Ai-Stratis is located in the Northern Aegean Sea and is inhabited by 220 permanent residents. For a very long period, 1926 to 1967, it became one of the many exile destinations in Greece. It is estimated that over 100.000 exiles were sent off to Ai-Stratis during that period, including men, women and children.
The Museum is dedicated to the exile experience which is preserved through artifacts, documents, art work, photographs, newspapers, magazines and original oral history records. A considerable collection of paintings, stone reliefs, engravings, sketches and prints and other valuable objects have come under its shelter. In recent years, the museum collections have been enriched by documents referring to the prison and concentration camp experience in Greece as well as that of political refugees.
The museum, in addition to its exhibits and its annual presentations, lectures and events, aspires to be a resource centre making a contribution to the study of Modern Greek history. It is a member of a wide network, collaborating with university departments and other research institutions which are dedicated to the study of human rights, political prisoners, civil liberties, political and social persecution. There is a rigorous effort for the enhancement of the museum’s library with original sources and documents as well as relevant academic literature.